The human rights should actually cover all female-male individuals. These fundamental rights which we can call equal, free and dignified living right and which we have in childbirth uninterruptedly continues along our life, are undefesiable and unchangeable under any circumstances. According to the judicial system that takes our rights under protection, everyone is equal before the laws regardless of the differences such as gender, race, color, religion, language, age, nationality or social origin, difference of thinking and ownership. However, it is also a fact that the laws are not applied as required from time to time and our rights are not sufficiently protected.
The laws sometimes may not protect the rights of the men like women. However, when the rights of the women are infringed, this situation happens most of the time because the women are only women. For instance, when it is said domestic violence or honor crime, nobody thinks that the one exposed to violence or killed is a man. Or the "equal pay for equal work" request is mentioned, it is obvious that the one who does not receive equal pay for equal work is woman. In order to legalize the sexual/pyhsical violence, not the men’s, but the women’s clothing and/or being outside at night is mentioned. The schooling campaigns are held with the motto "Common On Girls to School!", not the motto "All Children to School!". When it is said "early/ forced marriage", nobody thinks about a boy that is forced to marry with an old woman.
Because of these and many discrimination-based practices similar to these, we need the concept of "the women’s human rights".
Women’s Human Rights
The Women’s Human Rights is a concept that aims to form the concept of human rights by reinterpreting in terms of the world’s women.
The women’s human rights are:
Women’s rights related to marriage: Right to marry with the one they desire, equal inheritance right, right to refuse sexual intercourse in marriage, right not to be exposed to violence, right to have their own property, right to refuse the co-wife, civil marriage right.
Women’s rights related to divorce: Separation right by renting a house, right to apply to the court for divorcing, right to get their children’s custody, right to get alimony, right to take along their property.
Women’s physical rights: Right to experience their own sexuality; right to live without being exposed to rape, harrassment, incest; right to use or not to use birth control; right to live healthfully; right for the women’s body to belong themselves only.
Women’s rights in public life: Right to work in any work without obtaining the permission from their husbands at any time, equal pay right, equal education right, right to cast a vote to any party, right to take part in any political party, right to be insured even if they are housewives or work as family workers in agriculture, right to participate or not to participate in religious life.